Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mayo Clinic SPARC and more insights for design of health care systems in India

Mayo Clinic SPARC and insights for design of health care systems in India

I have an older post on the Mayo Clinic SPARC story on Design for India platform to share these lessons here in India which needs design in as many as 230 sectors of our economy today. A recent interview with Ryan Armbruster, Director of Mayo Clinic’s SPARC Innovation Program, which appeared on the blog "Adaptive Path" which was conducted by Brandon Schauer an experience design professional to look at the quality of experience that patients in medical situations got from their interface with the medical profession.

Design is being explored and discovered in new and unusual places and situations and India too will need to explore the interface of people with many services which today do not look at design for finding answers to their human interface needs. Read the interview here.

The Design Journey is indeed a convoluted one as we are discovering it today and I have elaborated the model of this journey for my students in Bangalore where I am teaching the Design Concepts and Concerns course for the two new disciplines at the brand new R & D Centre of NID here in Bangalore. The Design Journey model has been revised from the previous tentative expression which can be downloaded from these links here. Sketch model 640 kb pdf and the quicktime voice description file 1 MB .mov file from these links here.

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