Monday, September 10, 2007

Kathakali Performance at NID Ahmedabad by "Kalamandalam" SPICMACAY Ahmedabad

Image: Screen Shot of the flickr site
I missed the performance yesterday after my return from Mumbai but saw it from my bedroom window which overlooks the NID Amphitheatre and the NID Lawns. See it on flickr here

Thanks to Adel Anwar, a student from our Strategic Design Management PG programme, we are all able to see glimpses of the whole event since he has uploaded his pictures of the preparations as well as the final performance on his Flickr site.

Kathakali, a dance form from the South India State of Kerala is one of the eight Indian Classical Dance forms that is recognised by the Lalit Kala Academy in India. However, we are able to have a glimpse of the whole process of preparation and performance which is an elaborate task that can take several hours thanks to our student photographer who has shared his pictures of yesterdays event on his Flickr site of Kathakali pictures. Thank you Adel Anwar.

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